Contributing to

As an open source project, welcomes contributions in many forms. We greatly appreciate any work contributed, no matter how small!

Pull Request Process#

If you want to make a code contribution please make a pull request against main branch.

Local Setup#

Clone this repo to wherever you want:

git clone

Go into the repo folder:


Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


We want to keep the project coverage as high as possible. Your PR should include tests if they are needed and pass all of the existing ones.

Github Actions run tests for each PR but, if you want to run them by yourself you can use following command:

python -m unittest discover


Corkus uses PyLint to ensure consistent code style. In order for your PR to be accepted it must pass linting checks.

Github Actions run linting for each PR but, if you want to run it by yourself you can use following command:

python -m pylint corkus tests


Documentation setup:

cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt

Building documentation:

make html

Builded documentation is available under docs/_build/html