Change Log# follows semantic versioning. Due to ever changing nature of Wynncraft API only the newest version is supported. Please ensure that you are always using the newest version.

3.0.1 (2022/12/02)#

3.0.0 (2022/12/01)#

We are making changes due to the 2.0.1 API update which brings some changes around player classes. We have also changed initialization procedure so client constructor doesn’t need to be called in async context anymore. We are introducing a concept like other async libraries. You now need to call start() function to initialize the client.

  • BREAKING Corkus initialization procedure have been changed. You now need to call Corkus.start() to initialize the client.

    corkus = Corkus(timeout=60)
    async def main():
        await corkus.start()
        player = await corkus.player.get("MrBartusekXD")
        print(player.best_character.combat.level) # 102
        await corkus.close()
  • BREAKING Due to recent API changes (formerly: was removed.

  • BREAKING Ability to pass custom ClientSession to Corkus was removed.

  • BREAKING Corkus configuration option ratelimit_enable and cache_enable were renamed to disable_ratelimit and disable_cache respectively. Their function were reversed and are both now respectively disabled by default.

  • Deprecated Player.classes and Player.best_class were deprecated, use Player.characters and Player.best_character instead. These will now return instancies of Character which are identical to PlayerClass excluding the name property.

  • PlayerClass was renamed to Character to match new API schema.

  • ClassType was renamed to CharacterType to match new API schema.

  • Add uuid property to Character (formerly: PlayerClass).

  • Project now uses characters instead of classes in documentation.

  • Default request timeout was changed to 60 seconds.

  • Add support for Python 3.11.

  • Update dependencies. You can now use aiohttp 3.8.x and iso8601 1.x.

  • Fix CorkusTimeoutError returning invalid url.

2.0.0 (2022/06/07)#

  • BREAKING Due to recent API changes PlayerStatistics.chests_found and ClassStatistics.chests_found were removed.

  • BREAKING Value of ServerType.REGULAR has been changed from WC to REGULAR.

  • BREAKING ServerType.YOUTUBE enum key is now named ServerType.MEDIA and it’s value has been changed from YT to MEDIA.

  • Add warnings for broken properties in PlayerSoloRanking and PlayerOverallRanking.

1.2.1 (2022/01/20)#

  • Fix a bug where CorkusTimeoutError will be thrown without timeout property when no custom timeout is set (#13)

1.2.0 (2021/12/26)#

1.1.0 (2021/10/02)#

1.0.0 (2021/09/09)#

  • 🎉 first release!