Partial Objects#

What are Partial Objects#

Some of the objects in are marked as Partial. For example: PartialPlayer, PartialGuild or PartialIngredient. These objects doesn’t contain a lot of information and their primary use is to allow for easy access to other API resources simplifying your code.

Take for example GuildEndpoint.list_all. This function lists all of the guilds on the server, there are 12,000+ of those. In the ideal world this function would return List [Guild] hoverer that is not the case. This would significantly slow down the API. So instead it returns List [str]. Raw response looks something like that:

    "guilds": [
        "Holders Of LE",
        "Wynn Theory",
        "The Red Warrior",
        "Nanite Systems"

Corkus instead of representing that as List [str] wraps it intro List [PartialGuild]. You can still use it as a normal string using but, you can also use PartialGuild.fetch() to convert it to Guild.

fetch() function#

Every Partial object has some sort of async fetch() function. These functions are shortcuts for API calls using Endpoints. For example: Let’s say that you want to get level of first guild in GuildEndpoint.list_all.

Bad Practice

all_guilds = await corkus.guild.list_all()
guild_name = all_guild[0].name
guild = await corkus.guild.get(guild_name)

print(guild.level) # => 27

Don’t do that! You can simplify this code using PartialGuild.fetch()!

Good Practice

all_guilds = await corkus.guild.list_all()
guild = await all_guild[0].fetch()

print(guild.level) # => 27

This snippet use PartialGuild.fetch() to make code more readable and faster to write.

Every fetch() is a API call#

You need to understand that calling fetch() is a web request to Wynncraft API, that means it will take a second depending how fast your internet speed is. You generally should minimize number of calls to seed up your app and don’t abuse the API too much. So instead of calling and fetching each player, maybe you can just cope with their usernames?


Don’t over-use fetch() functions.