Rate limit#

Rate limit handling is Corkus.py functionality that slows down your application when hitting API Rate limit. It’s completely automated background process that is enabled by default.


Current rate limit for Wynncraft API is 180 requests per minute across all endpoints.

How it works#

When working with Corkus.py you don’t need to worry about rate limit. When you are low on limit corkus will execute asyncio.sleep() that will delay you request and log that fact using corkus.ratelimit logger.

Accessing rate limit#

You can access current rate limit information by Corkus.rate_limit

class corkus.client.RateLimit#

Current ratelimit information for a Corkus instance. You should consider these values as a information rather than use them in regulating your requests since, Corkus have a ratelimit system in place.

property total#

Total number of requests that user can send per minute under provided API key or IP if one is not provided.

Return type:


property remaining#

Total number of requests left that user can send for that minute (total - used).

Return type:


property reset#

Number of seconds left until this minute ends and thus ratelimit is restored back to total.

Return type:
