Configuring Corkus#

Corkus can be configured through the use of keyword arguments when initializing instances of Corkus. All of the Configuration Options can be specified using a keyword argument of the same name. For example:

corkus = Corkus(
    timeout = 10,
    disable_cache = False

Configuration Options#


Default: 60

Number of seconds after which API requests will raise corkus.errors.CorkusTimeoutError. It can be overridden by timeout argument in each API call function.


Default: False

Disable Response Caching module. No request will be saved on disc, this may slow down the client.


Default: False

Disable Rate limit module. Request won’t be slowed down while approaching the rate limit. This may cause corkus.errors.RatelimitExceeded errors.


IPs that repeatedly exceed the rate limit could be blacklisted.